Friday, March 7, 2008

The Turnaround Point

While I was running today I was thinking about what keeps me going. I've been upping my mileage consistently over the last year. although I love running and totally thrive on it, most runs there are points I just want to be done. Or the idea of running x miles is overwhelming.

Most of my runs are about 4 miles. I realized today that one of my mental tricks is just pushing through to the turnaround point. 2 miles really isn't that long and it's not too hard to get there. Once I'm at the turnaround point, I know I'm in the home stretch. I have to get back to the car. The kids will start to melt down in the jogger if the run takes too long. The faster I finish, the better all the way around!

It might just be me and how my brain works--but if I can get to the turnaround point--then I know I can get back! Hopefully once I get a bit faster, my turn around point will be a little further.

But one way or another, I have to get back to the car, so I might as well keep going!

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