Saturday, March 15, 2008

New shoes!

I got some new shoes last week. I'm in LOVE. And so are my feet. At least the last 3 pairs of shoes I've had were the same brand and same basic style. I figured, if it's not broke, don't fix it.

But I finally got into a running store ( and did an analysis. They have you run on the treadmill and they analyze your stride and recommend a type of shoe. I kind of already knew it, but I was wearing a shoe with not enough support.

The first time I ran in my new shoes (Nike Air Zoom) my feet could have kept going when my body was ready to stop. That was a first! I can really feel my feet and they have the support they need--but they are so comfy.

I'm really hoping to take a little bit of time off my mile with them.

Now I need to figure out how to do some speed training. I know I can be faster...I just need to develop a plan to do it.

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