Monday, April 28, 2008


Ugh, sick kids aree the downfall of my exercise. I was so close to getting 5 days in for Week 2, but my 1yr old got sick and it all went to pot! I was actually at the lake on Friday, ready to run--when she puked all over me. She had been running a fever, but I figured she'd be content with the movement of the strollere. If we were home, I'd just be holding her anyways. The puking happened before she was even the stroller. Some home we went.

I've started off this week well. 30 min of aeorbic toning this morning. It's a busy week, so it's going to be a challenge to get 5 days in. Come on Corrina--that's why it's called a challenge.

I can do it. I can do it.

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