Monday, April 14, 2008

My 6-week Challenge

So, I am challenging myself to work out 5x/week for at least 20min for the next 6 weeks. I've started this same challenge on a Babycenter board also so there are several of us holding each other accountable.

I am an adrenaline addict. I don't feel like I have truly worked out unless I'm dripping sweat and my muscles are burning. But--as a working mom, I don't get the chance for a workout like that more than 2 maybe 3 times a week. I want to learn to maximize my time with small segments of activity on days I can't get out for a run.

Today started off my challenge well. I thought about getting up before the kids--but that didn't happen. But, I took advantage of their good moods in the morning and did 35min of a workout DVD while they played around me.

I hope that at the end of 6 weeks I can say that I worked out 30 out of 42 days. Hopefully that will make me a little more ready for bathing suit season :)

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