Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thumping Along Behind the Wagon

I've learned something about myself this week. Eating well and exercise go hand in hand. Actually, exercise really is the key ingredient. Without it, I don't eat well.

It's been cold and rainy this week. Since 99% of my exercise takes place outside, it hasn't happened. I did a DVD on Wed. afternoon, but that's been it since Sunday.

I haven't eaten well one day this week. Not that it's been terrible. Just not good enough to lose weight. Eating out, cupcakes, ice cream. Not good.

If only could get myself up early to work out. Or do it at naptime. If the weather continues, I will have to figure it out! Either the eating part or the inside exercise. And since we have a few more months of sketchy weather, I'm sure I'll need to figure it out.

So meanwhile, I'm hanging on to the wagon with one or two hands--depending on if a cupcacke is in the other hand-- thumping along behind it.

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