Friday, May 23, 2008

Mommy Fit

When I was running the other day, I started thinking about how challenging it can be to take care of yourself--exercise, eat right etc--when you are a mom. Especially if you have young children. And if you are like me, you can't afford a gym--much less gym daycare, and you are the primry caregiver for your children--so getting out of the house on your own to exercise is almost out of the question.

There are some things I've learned over the past year about making exercise a priority in my life. Some stuff has just been trial and error, or reading it in a magazine or hearing from friends. I thought I'd start putting some "Mommy Fit" tips on my blog.

Exercise or at least "activity" HAS to be a priority for you. Make a goal of a certain number of days a week (3 is my minimum usually) or a total minutes goal for the week. 30min of activity a day is recommended, which is 210 minutes a week. If you can exercise for 45-60min 3-4x a week, you can easily meet this goal.

There are times that I put off other things--even housecleaning or non-essential errands in order to exercise. It's my anti-depressant! Not that I am depressed, but the endorphins always put me in a better place. Bean knows I need to get out for a run if I'm super grumpy.

I work in the office 3 days a week, and I usually try to exercise at least 2 of those days. I am lucky to have some flexibility in my schedule, so I'll often work through lunch and leave a bit early to pick the kids up and head to the lake I run at. By the end of the day, I would much rather head home and relax a bit. But in reality, it takes 60-75min to exercise--that includes driving and about 45min of exercise.

On days I can't get a run in, but need to exercise--I'll get up early and do a DVD or I'll do a DVD at naptime. At the very least, I'll do some ab work and use my 5lb weights for arms. I'll take the kids for a short walk and do some squats and lunges.

There are many things competing for our time and attention in life. I love exercise because it is the one thing that I do for myself, that primarily benefits only me. Much of my life is dedicated serving my children, my husband, my church (job). But running is for me. No one else can do it for me. But--when I run, I'm in a better mood. I have more energy. And that benefits everyone around me.

Figure out how to make it a priority for you. Start small--or maybe you need to start big--whatever is right for your personality.

Stay tuned for more Mommy Fit Tips!

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